Ansible Essentials: Overview and Usage


Ansible is an open-source automation tool that simplifies the management and configuration of IT infrastructure through declarative code, eliminating the need for manual intervention. It utilizes SSH for communication and employs a client-less architecture.

Connection Method:
  • Ansible employs SSH (Secure Shell) for communication with remote machines, ensuring secure access.
  • SSH keys are used for authentication, providing a secure and automated way to connect to hosts.
Configuration Files:
  • Inventory File (/etc/ansible/hosts): Contains information about the hosts managed by Ansible.
  • Configuration File (/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg): Stores configuration settings for Ansible.
  • Information collected by Ansible when executed on remote machines.
  • Can be accessed using the setup module, providing details about the system's configuration.
  • Allows conditional execution based on the target machine's characteristics.
  • Ansible ensures that running a playbook multiple times produces the same result, regardless of the initial state of the system.
  • This property ensures predictability and reliability in configuration management tasks.
  • Comprehensive documentation is available at
  • Accessible via the ansible-doc command, providing detailed information about modules, options, and usage examples.
  • YAML files used to define configurations and tasks to be executed on remote machines.
  • Enables the management and automation of complex configurations.
  • Allows for the transfer of files, creation of users, installation of packages, and more.
  • Define dynamic values to be used within playbooks, enhancing flexibility and re-usability.
  • Can be stored in separate files and referenced within playbooks.
  • Directly usable from the command line, enabling runtime customization.
  • Iterative structures allowing the execution of tasks multiple times.
  • Useful for installing packages, managing users, or performing similar actions across multiple hosts.
Conditional Execution:
  • Enables the execution of tasks based on specified conditions.
  • Enhances playbook flexibility by allowing tasks to be performed selectively.
  • Example usage includes installing packages only on Debian machines.

Install Ansible on your control node:

Ansible can be installed on various operating systems by following the official documentation:

Installing Ansible — Ansible Community Documentation
Inventory File:

The inventory file in Ansible contains information about the hosts you want to manage. By default, Ansible looks for the inventory file at /etc/ansible/hosts, but you can specify a different inventory file using the -i option.

Here's an example of what an inventory file might look like:





In this example:

  • webservers, databases, and loadbalancers are group names.
  • Each group contains a list of hostnames or IP addresses belonging to that group.
  • You can also define host variables, group variables, and aliases in the inventory file.

For example, if you want to target a group named webservers, you would run:

ansible webservers -m ping

And if you want to target individual hosts, you can specify their names:

ansible -m ping

Understanding and effectively using host patterns allows you to efficiently manage your infrastructure with Ansible.

Command Structure:
  • ansible -m <MODULE> -a <PARAMETERS> <HOST>: Executes a module with specified parameters on the specified host(s).
  • ansible <HOST> -m <MODULE> -a <PARAMETERS>: Executes a module with specified parameters on the specified host.

Now try to create your first configuration file based on your own servers.

Now, let's apply some command line examples:

Ping all hosts:

ansible all -m ping

Execute a shell command to display the contents of /etc/hosts on Debian hosts:

ansible debian -m shell -a "cat /etc/hosts"

Install the package ncdu on Debian hosts:

ansible debian -m apt -a "name=ncdu state=present update_cache=yes" --become

Restart and enable the crond service on CentOS hosts:

ansible centos -m service -a "name=crond state=restarted enabled=yes" --become
  • -m specifies the Ansible module to use.
  • -a passes arguments to the module.
  • --become is used to execute tasks with escalated privileges (usually via sudo).
  • all, debian, centos are host patterns. You can replace them with your own inventory group or individual host names.
Next Steps:

Continue exploring Ansible's capabilities by practicing with more complex playbooks, experimenting with different modules, and integrating Ansible into CI/CD pipelines. Focus on best practices for organizing playbooks, handling errors, securing your Ansible environment, and troubleshooting issues effectively. Additionally, consider exploring Ansible Tower/AWX for centralized management and scaling automation efforts.